Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back at school

After a delicious return to Abbott's and dessert at Frosty Treat, we took Matt back to school where he is living in luxury at the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity house. Rugby practice started yesterday, classmates arrive next weekend, and so the year begins. We miss him.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Photo Competition Update

Emily's entry in her school photo competition entitled "Rain Drop" (reprinted below) received a Commendation award yesterday at a very nice presentation ceremony. The number and quality of entries was remarkable - over 400 photos from students, staff and parents. The school principal scooped the awards (as he does every year - it's nice to know that he takes time out to pursue his other passion!), and the receptionist and Em's home class teacher also did very well. Several senior students received multiple awards, and Emily is already looking forward to next year's show!

Hope you're all settling back comfortably into the school year routine - hard to believe that Rachael has less than 3 months to go! Enjoy the last lazy days at the Shore, and let me know the results of the Fishbait Classic - with photos, please!!