Monday, March 1, 2010


I just wanted to announce that we've made the jump back into pet ownership- no puppies or anyhting as courageous as the Blackwells, but we're happy with our new additions. I had to teach a science unit on food chains, and part of it was to study Green Anoles, so I had a tankful of these little guys in my room for six weeks. They arrived from california in the mail looking stressed out, cold and dehydrated- we susequently lost a few to the traumas of travel. One, however, managed to thrive through his pluck, determination and appetite for live crickets. We named him Alphie because he was clearly the alpha anole in the tank, taking no shit from anyone and ruling the roost with his impressive dewlap and cocky swagger. He survived an abduction by a sped student who brought him home in a pocket and several trips back and forth from school over cold weekends. His brethren had to go back to the ed center to help other 5th graders further their science knowledge, but Alphie had won my heart, so we made room in the boys' bedroom for him and we went to Petsmart to get him a buddy this weekend. Reid dubbed his new pal Shreddder because he was in a state of unbecoming shedding when we brought him home. So far, Alphie has been savagely bullying shredder, and shredder seems to be a glutton for punishment, giving attitude that brings Alphie's wrath down on him repeatedly. I hope they'll work it out and shredder will survive to get along with his tankmate, but in the meantime they're providing all of us with lots of entertainment and reminding us of warmer tropical spots like Haiti.
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