Monday, April 19, 2010

Photo Date

Hey all-

That photo was taken in August/September of 1990 I'm pretty well certain. It was after I returned from my first visit to Australia (note the Bundy Rum singlet!), and was before Ken arrived in November for his first visit.

Sounds like everyone has been busy! Dad, Rachael can swap Japanese tea ceremony stories with you, as I'm sure she attended at least one while in the country. Miki, the girl who she stayed with, lives with her grandparents and the grandmother is a traditionalist.

Does anyone know if we have any history of migrane headaches in the family? Rachael suffered what I'm pretty certain was a mild migrane yesterday. We've been googling info on them, and I don't think that they are necessarily hereditary, but I would be interested to hear if any of you have experienced one before. Both Ken's mother and brother Peter have suffered from them, but I've never heard anyone in our family mention them. Just a bit of family research!

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