Hi all- Jules, I really like the wall colour. Not so fussed on the mantle - I agree it could be lighter. If you really like the colour, maybe you could go over it with a thin layer of white and just make it lighter? Not being a painter I don't know if that's possible, but it might be an interesting experiment! If it doesn't work out you could always paint over it.
Hope everyone's enjoying the Christmas build-up. I'm happier now that our ferocious thunderstorms seem to be over - at least for the time being. The past 3 afternoons have been pretty harrowing, but thankfully the hailstones have passed us by.
Rachael received her OP score yesterday - a very complicated, and to my mind asinine, way of ranking high school graduates to determine suitability for university entrance. Similar in a way to the SAT, I guess. Dad might be able to explain it better for those who are interested - I think he understood Rachael's explanation better than I did! In any case, she is happy with her result (an 11 out of 25), and immediately went onto the uni application website and changed a few of her preferences around. The upshot is she is hoping to get accepted to the University of Queensland for a dual degree in either Arts/Social Science or Arts/Science. She's still undecided on her long-term plan, but knows she wants to start uni next year if possible. The first round of offers are made in mid-January, so we won't know anything until then - fingers crossed!
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