Too Cool For School
That was the caption for one of the articles on the front page of the Daily Camera today. I hate too have my comeback to blogging after a little hiatus be related to the weather again (How lame is that?) but it’s really that one thing that keeps disrupting everyone’s lives, so we’ve got to talk about it!
Today was an unprecedented ‘cold day’ for Boulder Valley schools as the high temperature didn’t get above 0F. The district was concerned that the busses would not be ready to handle these kinds of Minnesotan temperatures, and that little tykes would freeze solid waiting for the incapacitated busses to show up. As tonight is forecast to be the “low temperature of the decade”, somewhere around -19F, they’re also calling tomorrow as a ‘cold day’. So, we have an unanticipated weekend in the middle of the week. Since this is my first week of conferences, I got through one night and now and I’m getting way ahead of preparing for the rest. Sadly, we’re getting behind on the planned lessons and the schedule is going to be wacky for a while.
Sorry for the lapse in posting on the blog- Elli justifiably called me on it. We had a nice skype chat the other day. There’s been a LOT going on in the Kellogg house recently with the new year. The school calendar has been going full-tilt, and we’ve been hitting Eldora as much as we can over the weekends to make some turns. When we’re not skiing, we’ve been getting tons of geocaching in. As Team BRR, we’ve found 50 caches since Thanksgiving and placed 6 in our “A Ditch Runs Through It” series. Check it out at:
Alden celebrated her 3rd birthday and she has now taken up her rightful position as the head of the family. She got a great dollhouse and has been moving in her friends and furniture and marshalling her brother as a moving and feng shui assistant.
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