Monday, July 5, 2010

Another Lazy Blogger Returns!

I've felt swamped with new challenges at work, kids on school holidays, and just life in general! But after the latest creative and inspiring blogs, I needed to check in to say "hi!" - I'm still here! No creative prose from me, or even any photos at this stage. Just wanted to say how much I loved both Mom's and Rico's words, and how they make me homesick for a Northern Hemisphere summer! I know where Emily gets her creative story-writing genes from...

Loved the cruise photos, too. What a relaxing and satisfying trip that must have been. That's all from me at the moment. Oh, and in case you didn't know we have a new Prime Minister here - a female and a red-head! All very sudden and dramatic - google her: Julia Gillard. Love to all, Elli

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