Sunday, April 15, 2012

Early Spring in BoulderA

These photos illustrate our spring.  A few repeat some of Rico's.  The first ones come from Spring Break when Rico and Kate got a brief time away and we enjoyed the kids in different combinations all arranged by Kate.  The captions - I just learned how to do that - explain the others.
Alden visits and helps Yia Yia cook
Lunch on the terrace during our amazing march weather

Arriving at Eldora for Rico's tailgate birthday

April moisture after no moisture in March - everything turned green.

and blossomed!
The incredible public park bicycle trails - Boden going for air.

and Rico catching it yesterday - April; 14th.

I took this the morning the next snow was predicted and fortunately all we got was rain so the yard still looks great.  SPECIAL FOR ELLI - Note our rather pathetic lilac bush in the upper right!

and more yard and tulips.  I have never had luck with tulips before but so far they are doing great here.,

Easter cookout with new parasol.

Guess what.

So that does it on photos. 

Finally, last week was very busy, full, and exciting.  The annual CU Conference on World Affairs took place and we had a dinner with participants Monday that was very pleasant with dinner on the deck of the Alum building and Tuesday night was the incredible annual jazz concert.  Wednesday we had a UNA dinner with an interesting CWA participant speaking on Latin America and its history of poverty - good but unusual.  Thursday Mom and I relaxed at a quiet restaurant dinner after  nine hours of panels.  

We heard some great music - one concert of 3 violins - a great rock player on electric, an Irish balladeer on a standard one, and a fantastic Brazilian playing a beautiful sounding classical guitar - what a great hour and what a variety of music.  Ended Friday with a two hour panel of storytellers - 3 Irish and one Israeli.  It is wonderful how CU interprets world affairs - so different from my old narrow view of politics, wars, and economics!  We also had plenty of panels that covered these topics. 

 Mom and I just got back from a free library chamber music concert.  I enjoyed two of the pieces - 20th century - that included some amazing and pleasant sounds from the strings.  The final piece - 1960 - I found boring and screechy.  A relaxing time however before tomorrow's hernia operation at the awful hour of 6 a.m.

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