Saturday, November 27, 2010

Last weekend downunder

After a nice Thanksgiving with turkey on trhe barbie we enjoyed the usual Friday morning at the pool followed by coffee at the library. This is Elli's routine and she regularly meets friends for coffee and one swims with her while others walk. I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED BUT I FIND I CAN'T MAKE CORRECTIONS FROM MHERE ON SO TRY AND TRANSLATE THE MEANING. SORRY.

Today Mom and I got a ride to town and with Elli and Ken. We all strolled through the open markets - mainly clothes, a few books, and lots of suglasses - in Fortitude Valley. The Blackwells then dropped us off at the Botanic Gardens and we had lunch and walked around a bit. In places it was as lovely as I recall - great variety of trees with palms interspersed with deciduerous trees whose leaves vary greatly in their basic green color. There were a few flowers but the great flower ddisplay I was looking forward to was disappointlky - about half the beds were covered wtih black plastic to control fungus and weeds - hopefully it is a short term matter. We walked thru the Garden Point campus of Queensland University of Technology. It is attractive with open areas with large trees and tables with umbrellas. The buildings vary from 100 years old brick to very modern glass and concretre. It is not one that Rachael has applied for. However, she has applies for the Kelvin Grove campus of QUT. The campuses vary as to subject areas taught and a shuttle bus connects them.

We got the city cat down river to a conveninet pick up location and so received a ride home. We mwent out to dinner at the Returned Servicemen's Club. Iwas admitted as a guest on the basis of a USA address and a card I had showing I had seved in the US Army. Elli is a member and can take us a a guest but this was fun having my service recognized.

A big cricket match started Thursday. We watched some yesterday and have today's game on tape. I plan to wqtch it now. I understand just enough to enjoy it, particularly on a lovely sunny day which we have had the last two days after very heqvy showers early in the morning. I mhave a very fond memory of a cricket match in England in 1948 in a town near Oxford sitting on the grass with a member of Parliament and several of has friends mand a mclassmate from Princeton with whom I was traveling. It was a wonderful introductin to them game.

Hope everyone is homew safe from Thanksgiving rtravels. We'll be home on Wednesday.Christmas comes in four weeks - the Mall is fully decorated, carol;s sing out constantly, and I saw a Christmas tree in a home on the drive back from the club tonight. The season is upon mus.

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